DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim
DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim

Item #D250, $31.99 US dollars

This online training course teaches you how to build the most versatile home flight simulator available. The DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim is a multi-screen flight simulator frame that you can build at home with common hand tools, HDTV's, and materials from your local home improvement store.

  • Your choice: build with a yoke and throttle quadrant or HOTAS controls
  • Use three 32" HDTVs for the main displays (fourth display is optional)
  • Room for a variety of controls and switch panels
  • Use retail flight controls, a standard 6' folding table and materials from a hardware store
  • Build this multi-screen flight sim for your home, school, EAA chapter, CAP squadron, etc.

This DIY Flight Sim is fairly large, but it fits on a standard 6 foot folding table. These tables are inexpensive and widely available for only $50 or $60.

Use three 32" HDTVs as the main displays. HDTVs are becoming inexpensive and I bought the TVs you see in the pictures for only $200 each.

Online Training: you can build this !
Online Training: you can build this !

More info: How to decide between the #D250 DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim and the #T440 DIY Triple Screen Flight Sim.

Online Training! What to expect:

  • The tutorials include printouts, videos, diagrams, and text instructions
  • Over 40 minutes of streaming video
  • Viewable on nearly any device: desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
  • Scroll down to see the curriculum and some freebies


Course Curriculum


  • Video: Introduction (free)
  • Tools Required (free)
  • Printable Page: Materials List (free)
  • About PVC Fittings (free)
  • Folding Table and Main Displays (free)
  • Pipe and Lumber Measurements

Frame Foundation

  • Video: Frame Foundation
  • Instructions: Frame Foundation

Computer Shelf

  • Video: Computer Shelf
  • Instructions: Computer Shelf


  • Video: Fasteners
  • Instructions: Fasteners

Shelves for the Displays

  • Video: Display Shelves
  • Instructions: Display Shelves

Safety Railings

  • Video: Safety Railings
  • Instructions: Safety Railings

Folding Table - Instructions: Folding Table



Instrument Panels (HOTAS)

  • Video: Instrument Panels (HOTAS)
  • Instructions: Center Instrument Panel (HOTAS)
  • Instructions: Right Side Instrument Panel (HOTAS)
  • Instructions: Left Side Instrument Panel (HOTAS)
  • Printable Page: Plan Drawings

Instrument Panels (Yoke and Throttle Quadrant)

  • Instructions: Center Instrument Panel (Yoke and Throttle Quadrant)
  • Instructions: Right Side Instrument Panel (Yoke and Throttle Quadrant)
  • Instructions: Left Side Instrument Panel (Yoke and Throttle Quadrant)
  • Printable Page: Plan Drawings

Monitor Bracket or Keyboard Mod - Instructions

Paint the Project

  • Video: Paint
  • Instructions: Paint the Project

Reassembly and Finishing Details

  • Video: Reassembly and Finishing
  • Instructions: Reassembly and Finishing

Change Log (free)

DIY Deluxe Desktop Flight Sim